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Take a look below at all the upcoming activities and resources that will help you stay strong in walking out Kingdom Values in the civic arena...and don't forget to scroll to the bottom to see ALL the upcoming events!!!

The Constitution

and your Biblical Citizenship

David Barton and Rick Green, Constitutional experts and advocates for the original intent of our founding documents, presents this one-of-a-kind course on the meaning and purpose of the Constitution! You will go article-by-article through the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and learn about executive orders, recess appointments, the Electoral College, the powers of Congress and the President, freedom of religion, and much more. Shot on location in the amazing WallBuilders library of original documents and in Independence Hall, celebrating the 225th anniversary of the Constitution!

Clases will be on Thursdays, January 30th thru March 6th from 7:00 to 8:30 at Cush and Donna Chatham's house.

Signup through then church center app or contact the Chathams directly.

Coming up!

Planning for another class is in process. Details will be coming soon! We are looking to have the following class:

  • Truth Project - Class dates to be determined.
    • This is an overview about a Biblical Worldview, an in-depth Christian Worldview experience led by Del Tackett and published by Focus on the Family.