Educational Resources

Welcome to engage! educational resources that will be ever-growing as we discover new resources to help you to grow in wisdom. Make sure and check this section out monthly for new short insightful videos as we grow!

American Majority

We are the nation’s premier conservative training organization, helping put in place a truly unique, separate political infrastructure—for use before, during and after election dates. As a 501c(3) non-partisan, nonprofit, American Majority continually trains, organizes, mobilizes, and equips new grassroots conservative leaders. We believe meaningful, lasting political change starts not in Washington, but at state and local levels, where most actual government decisions and spending occurs.

In its 30-year history, Barna Group has conducted more than one million interviews over the course of hundreds of studies, and has become a go-to source for insights about faith and culture, leadership and vocation, and generations. Barna Group has carefully and strategically tracked the role of faith in America, developing one of the nation’s most comprehensive databases of spiritual indicators. Barna Group has worked with thousands of business, nonprofit organizations and churches across the U.S.

Bipartisan Policy Center

Bipartisan Policy Center is a non-profit organization that combines the best ideas from both parties to promote health, security, and opportunity for all Americans. BPC drives principled and politically viable policy solutions through the power of rigorous analysis, painstaking negotiation, and aggressive advocacy.

Click on their logo, go to the website, and sign up for their weekly podcasts--excellent source of bi-partisan research and discussion on a variety of political topics.

As a Washington, D.C.-based think tank that actively promotes bipartisanship, BPC works to address the key challenges facing the nation. Our policy solutions are the product of informed deliberations by former elected and appointed officials, business and labor leaders, and academics and advocates who represent both ends of the political spectrum. We are currently focused on health, energy, national security, the economy, financial regulatory reform, housing, immigration, infrastructure, and governance.



The Colson Center for Christian Worldview is a ministry that equips Christians to live out their faith with clarity, confidence, and courage in this cultural moment.

The truth is a powerful thing.

We live in a moment of cultural confusion. Fewer and fewer of the things that give meaning to our lives come easily. Family, community, beauty, truth seem to be constantly eroding around us—while our news feeds are full of despair, anger, and division.

How are Christians to make sense of the world around us? How can we make sure we have clarity in our daily lives?

Welcome to BreakPoint. A program of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview, our commentaries offer incisive content people can’t find anywhere else; content that cuts through the fog of relativism and the news cycle with truth and compassion.

Hillsdale College - Free Online Classes in Politics

Hillsdale College is a national leader in free online courses. They offer FREE courses in Politics. Their choice list includes the following courses:

  • Introduction to the Constitution
  • Constitution 101
  • Constitution 201
  • The Presidency and the Constitution
  • The Federalist Papers
  • Winston Churchill and Statesmanship
  • Public Policy from the Constitutional View
  • The Supreme Court


The most popular course - “Constitution 101” - now has more than 800,000 students around the world. Please watch Hugh Hewitt's introduction to the right.

If you are interested in any of  these topics and want to learn more please be sure to check them out.

For information on ALL the free On-line courses and instructions on signing up click on the following link.

Constitution Online Course

Gateways to Better Education is a nonprofit organization founded in 1991 to help public school educatorsparents and school leaders foster faith-welcoming schools for students of all faiths as well as appropriately teach about the Bible and Christianity without mixing church and state. We show them how to do this legally within existing constitutional boundaries, current laws, and state academic standards.

We empower parents with tools to navigate the public schools to help their children graduate with their faith and values intact. We guide school leaders in establishing policies and practices that protect academic and religious freedom.

We envision public schools as places where students of all faiths know they have the freedom to express their beliefs and where all students gain an academic appreciation for the Bible and Christianity as it relates to history, culture, and values.


From immigration and healthcare to family values, religious liberty, and fiscal responsibility – iVoterGuide covers all the issues most important to you; and we back it with quantifiable research.

We believe actions speak louder than words, so we’ve gathered more than 56,000,000 donation records; candidate endorsements from 1,000+ organizations; legislative voting records from 100+ organizations; and we’ve combined them all into one data-driven, personalized voter guide.

With iVoterGuide, you can compare the candidates, side by side, and identify who mostly closely shares your values — and who has the record to back up their campaign promises.

iVoterGuide doesn’t tell you who to vote for; instead, we give YOU the information so you can decide for yourself and educate others.

Judical Action Group

Judicial Action Group is fighting every day for Judicial Renewal. Which is when judges return to their proper and noble role of simply deciding cases according to the laws of the land.

We wholeheartedly believe the day will come when the Judicial Branch is restored to its rightful Constitutional place. We long for the day when Congress, the states, and people make laws that favor life, marriage, decency, privacy, private property, religious freedom, and other vital American values.

Leadership Institute

The Leadership Institute's mission is to increase the number and effectiveness of conservative activists and leaders in the public policy process.

To accomplish this, the Institute identifies, recruits, trains, and places conservatives in government, politics, and the media.

Founded in 1979 by its president, Morton C. Blackwell, the Leadership Institute (LI) teaches conservatives the nuts and bolts of how to succeed in the public policy process.

The Institute strives to produce a new generation of public policy leaders unwavering in their commitment to free enterprise, limited government, strong national defense, and traditional values.

Legislative Reference Library of Texas

Information on past and current Texas Legislature and its bills filed, statewide newspaper clippings regarding –See Todays Clips  in the left column on the website and Week in Review that reviews both national and state issues for the week.


The primary purpose of the Legislative Reference Library is to satisfy the reference and research needs of the Legislature, its staff, and its committees. Whenever possible within this framework, the library will assist the public and other state agencies with legislative research.

texas capitol

My Faith Votes is a non-partisan movement that motivates, equips and activates Christians in America to vote in every election, transforming our communities and influencing our nation with biblical truth.

We desire to see an America where God is honored in the public square and biblical truth is advanced in our culture.

My Faith Votes calls Christians to “Pray, Think and Vote” in order to protect four core pillars of faith which are religious freedom, the sanctity of life, strong families and marriages, and compassion and support for those in need. We reach Christians to stand boldly for these values in every election and in everycommunity and city across our nation.

Q Common & Q Ideas

Q was birthed out of Gabe Lyons’ vision to see Christians, especially leaders, recover a vision for their historic responsibility to renew and restore cultures.

Inspired by Chuck Colson’s statement, “Christians are called to redeem entire cultures, not just individuals,” Gabe set out to reintroduce Christians to what had seemed missing in recent decades from an American expression of Christian faithfulness; valuing both personal and cultural renewal, not one over the other. Re-educating Christians to this orthodox and unifying concept has become central to the vision of Q.

Glance into Q Commons vast video library covering 7 areas including government, church, business, education, social sector, arts & entertainment and media.  It will educate, inspire and challenge you.

Well Versed

We bring biblical principles of governance to government leadersand the people who elect them. The world is in crisis. So many human institutions are failing. Everyone knows it.

Most people know that the Bible speaks clearly about: 1) personal matters, (2) family matters, and (3) church life. However, the Bible also speaks equally clearly regarding (4) civil government. God originally established government and establishes nationstoday. He knows best how government is to function. Thus, the Well Versed ministry is committed to bringing biblical principles of governance to governmental leaders.

Human suffering, pain and poverty will only be reduced once nations follow the biblical principles of governance. Only eternal and transcendent truths will produce peace and prosperity in nations. Shipping bags of beans and rice to starving people is important. Very important. What is even better is when the government follows the biblical economic principles so that people can grow their own beans and rice, or have gainful employment which allows them to purchase what they need. Nations need to follow the biblical principles of governance.