Next Steps

So you want to get more involved in the civic arena with the compassion and wisdom of Christ? Here are some simple suggestions to set a "baseline of knowledge" for yourself to begin to put into practice!

  • .Listen to Wayne Grudem's 5 Wrong Views about Christians in Politics in order to help others understand (even if they disagree) why you, as a believer in Christ,  should be involved in the civic arena. Located in the Basic Primer for Christian Civic Engagement section.
  • Listen to Michael Wear's Rising Above Partisanship to deepen your Christ Identity and learn more how to walk in freedom as you engage! in the political arena. Located in the Basic Primer for Christian Civic Engagement section.
  • Listen to Tim Keller's Humble Cultural Engagement.  It's an essential primer that will challenge you how to carry a Christ-like attitude/perspective into the civic arena. Located in the Basic Primer for Christian Civic Engagement section.
  • Go to the What's Up section of this website and enroll in the next 6 week course of The Truth Project, developed by Focus on the Family, that will help you have a deeply more comprehensive biblical worldview.  It's vital to have a foundational biblical worldview in order to engage our culture with wisdom and the compassion of Christ.
  • Engage weekly in some type of information gathering from several reliable sources to deepen your understanding of the issues you are concerned about.  Make sure and get informed about both sides of the debate on the issue.
  • Let us know if you want to receive the engage! e-newsletters such as Legislative Live! -an e-newsletter keeping you abreast of Texas or Virginia's state legislative actions impacting Kingdom Values. Sign up in the Contact Us section by letting us know your email and which publication you would like to receive.
  • Come to additional engage! classes to learn how to become more engaged in your local community at your city council, School Board, county or state government.
  • Keep on checking back in the equip! section on this website to watch short educational videos from learning how to track a bill at the State Legislature to the basics of running for political office.  Videos are being added monthly as we grow!
  • Look at the Advocacy Section in the Equip! section on this website and see what advocate group/issues push your "Hot Button" and get involved!
  • Email us at and let us know of any additional questions you have about getting more engaged at a local, state or federal level.